Fine tuning your brand messaging for media and consumer audiences

Something we frequently discuss with clients is how to capture the attention of their key media platforms. Business owners have a huge depth of knowledge and experience in regard to their product or service, but without a media background they will struggle to meet the exacting requirements of the evolving press.

Here we explore the difference between content marketing and media coverage and how to focus your PR and marketing strategy to ensure you are delivering the right information to the right audience.

Classic typewriter

Consumer marketing content vs media coverage

Content marketing is a valuable tool and a vital part of most marketing strategies. Content marketing, for example email newsletters, and social media offer a platform for brands to deliver information about their products and services, their values and key messages, directly to the consumer. Content is usually designed to inspire the audience, educate them about the product or services, or entertain them to keep them interested. Often this consumer has already engaged with product or service by following the brand or signing up to the newsletter, or the data algorithm in the sky has suggested they might be interested. Though quality content is known to be much more powerful, brands have the tools to generate it in infinite amounts. In short, it is easy to publish a high volume of low quality content.

Media coverage, such as newspapers or online platforms, on the other hand is carefully curated by editors. They have a certain number of pages or online features, and editors are compelled to select the best and most exciting news to share with their audience. Their approach is quality, over quantity, and brands should consider this when planning their proactive media strategy.

When approaching your media strategy it is essential to consider the ‘why'. Why should this be placed in the pages of your key media platform above your competitor? Why should the platform’s audience be interested in this right now? It is not enough to be providing a first-rate service or product in a crowded market, brands need to show they are exceptional. Here is where we can help.

We live and breathe the news. Whether it is the lifestyle pages of your favourite magazine, the front page of the daily newspaper, or your weekly beauty newsletter - we’re all over it. It is because of this, along with our many years in the industry, that we are experts at illuminating your relevant media stories and delivering them to our close press contacts. In most cases, brands are already sitting on the good stuff and FAR Communications is here to help draw it out to guide media strategy. In other cases, we will work with your team to construct new and engaging media stories that garner the attention of your target media.

Remember, media and influencers also want to sell their newspaper or web sign ups, so the more captivating brand stories will always be positioned front and centre. We can also help to strengthen the power of your content marketing, ensuring it is making an impact with the right consumer audiences.

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Here are our top tips for approaching your content marketing and focusing your strategic media outreach.

Content marketing:

  • Use this as your virtual shop window - showcase your values, inform about your product and deliver meaningful content.

  • Focus on consumer-friendly language that is both informative and approachable.

  • Empathise. Understand who you are talking to and how you can support their needs.

  • Work with your PR and marketing consultant to ensure your content marketing is engaging your the right audiences and driving towards your business goals, whether this is website sign ups, booking enquiries or SEO.

Strategic media outreach:

  • Highlight only relevant information and nothing more. What is new and exciting?

  • Know the media landscape - be clear on where you want to be featured and read the titles.

  • Work with your expert PR and marketing consultant to identify your key media stories and see them delivered to your target media platforms.

The media industry is constantly developing with the changing world. We at FAR Communications are experts in keeping ahead of the times and have the skill and insights to translate your consumer marketing content to media news to deliver press coverage where you need it most.

Get in touch with Alana at to find out how we can help you.


Industry Insights - Simon Parker, Travel Writer & Broadcaster